This school year Angi Tims will be principal of both Aledo High School and the Daniel Ninth Grade Campus. “I’m starting my 19th year here in Aledo ISD as a high school administrator …
The Phi Beta Mu International Band Fraternity has announced that the Aledo High School Band program under the direction of Joey Paul has been selected as a 2023 recipient of the fraternity’s …
Braving triple-digit temperatures during the early evening hours of Thursday, July 20, hundreds of Aledo ISD residents gathered in an open field east of Nightmist Road in Morningstar to honor …
Aledo ISD has announced the hiring of an associate principal and an assistant principal at Aledo High School, and the addition of assistant principals at McAnally Middle School and Stuard Elementary …
Nolan Golden (left) and Jack Grimm (right) were each selected as Outstanding Performer at the 2023 Texas State Solo-Ensemble Contest. Of about 100,000 students participating in the regional music …
Even though school is out for the summer, students are in full-on vacation mode, and teachers are enjoying some much-needed time off, the same cannot be said for the Aledo School Board. The business …
The final group of Bearcats of Character were recognized at the May regular board meeting of the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees. The May Bearcats of Character were recognized for Purpose. The …
May 28, 2023 Cattle still graze along the rolling hills of what used to be the Historic Veale Ranch. They won’t be there forever. Taylor Baird, a partner at PMB Capital …
Aledo ISD has named Dr. Ingia Saxton as Assistant Superintendent of Student and Community Programs, Karen May as Assistant Principal at McCall Elementary School, and Audra Ellerbusch as Early …
< Willie Salmon Kyle Stodola Ledger Hudman Wyatt Bobo Rosie Case …
Aledo Independent School District voters approved a $123,800,000 bond proposal that will include a 2.5 cent Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate increase on Saturday, May 6. The bond …
A child's imagination is an amazing thing. Six students from Stuard Elementary School are proof. Working together, their Destination Imagination team finished eighth in the state at the recent …
The future facilities available for education in the Aledo Independent School District lie in the hands of voters who will decide the fate of a $128 million bond issue on Saturday, May 6. Early …
The Weatherford Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution presented its Good Citizen Award to graduating seniors from seven Parker County high schools, and awarded …
It was a combination of tears and smiles when the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously to name the district’s next elementary school after Deputy Superintendent Lynn McKinney at a …
Elena Aresi's face lights up as soon as she hears the words "the Aledo football team." The Italy native is an exchange student at Aledo High School this year, and following a season where her …
As the Aledo ISD community prepares to vote in the upcoming bond election, there may be value in examining how previous generations responded to population growth in the area and the resulting stress …
Six health science students recently represented Aledo High School at the HOSA state competition at the Kalahari Resort in Round Rock. Kamryn Kupper was a state qualifier in Sports Medicine. …
The Weatherford Art Association has announced the winners of its annual art competition for the students of Parker County in grades 6-12, and the winners list included several students in the Aledo …
The Aledo ISD Board of Trustees recently honored the March 2023 Bearcats of Character for the character trait “Love of Learning.” Aledo ISD began recognizing Bearcats of Character shortly …
The Aledo ISD announced late on Friday that Jake Bean would succeed Stephanie Maroney as the principal at Vandagriff Elementary School next school year, and and newcomer Katie Griffin will take the …
Four years ago twin sisters Samantha and Rebecca Sullivan discovered a new passion in life, raising Boer Goats. Then, as it did with so many things, the COVID-19 pandemic put a kibosh on their …
Volume five of The Best of Texas Scholastic Photography features work from 10 Aledo High School students and graduates who were taught by teachers Linda Greenwood and Emily Pyeatt Arnold: Ava …