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Hudson Oaks

Residents gathered at Hudson Oaks City Hall on Jan. 27 for a sneak peek at a $14 million improvement planned for North Oakridge Drive and look over charts and details while questioning engineers and …

Hudson Oaks Police Chief Michael Baldwin was casual as he reported the details of last year’s crime report. The board members, however, were thrilled. “These kind of numbers for the …

With a complete and informative presentation City Administrator Sterling Naron dotted the proverbial I’s and crossed the T’s while presenting the 2024-2025 Hudson Oaks proposed budget to …

Following up on a decision by Willow Park’s City Council two nights earlier, Hudson Oaks City Council moved forward with a new wastewater facility usage agreement. The council solidified the …

With many commercial additions to Hudson Oaks in recent years, one thing that city officials agreed needed updating was regulations regarding drive-thru facilities. After the Planning & …

Due to recent changes in wholesale water and wastewater providers, the City of Hudson Oaks recently gave notice to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation for the purpose of …

As the Hudson Oaks City Council gathered for its monthly meeting April 25, someone was missing. That didn’t stop his presence from still being in the room. Longtime council member Brian …

A new way to calculate commercial sewer rates in Hudson Oaks could net the city an approximate 7 percent increase in revenue after those changes were approved at the Jan. 24 city council meeting. …

It’s no secret to anyone driving on either surface streets or Interstate 20 that Parker County is experiencing exponential growth.   In fact, the county has the designation of being …

The City of Hudson Oaks hosted its annual Christmas Tree lighting on Dec. 1 to kick off its annual CoHoHo festivities throughout the season. Click or snap the QR code for video highlights. …

In response to legislation passed by the Texas Legislature in June, the Hudson Oaks City Council held a public hearing and subsequently amended certain sections of its subdivision ordinance at its …

Tom Fitzpatrick is a man with a vision. By the time the self-proclaimed “Army brat” was elected Mayor of Hudson Oaks in May of 2022 and following his 21-year tenure as a city council …

The City of Hudson Oaks hosted its annual Christmas Tree Lighting on Dec. 2 at Gene Voyles Park. The event featured thousands of lights, Santa’s Workshop, train rides, and other family …

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