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Republicans should keep family matters private



Happy 2023! We are well into the new year with a fresh start, but before we know it, we will be in the 2024 Election Season. 2022 was probably the most hateful, dishonest campaign season that I’ve ever witnessed. Candidates or their surrogates falsely attacked and accused their opponents. Many opponents reacted to the attack, and nobody really talked about the issues.

We lost key races across the country because we got distracted from the very real issues. Parker County, Texas, and the United States need to have our very real problems debated and addressed without personal attacks. AND Republicans have the right answers to those problems!

Just think about it…who wants the Democrats’ version of “good” government: open borders, unlimited handouts, and out of control government spending that results in out of control inflation? Who really wants to leave American oil and gas in the ground while President Biden insists that we buy from OPEC, Venezuela? Who really believes that a nuclear armed Iran is beneficial to the United States or any other country in the world? 

Friends, Republicans could have control of the White House, the United States Senate, and the House of Representatives because we have answers to the problems. We need to stand up, stay focused on issues, refuse to get in the mud, and do the right thing for America.

Republican friends, please refrain from contributing to the mud fight. If you hear something inflammatory, don’t assume it’s true and don’t react as though it’s true. Please don’t say, “if that’s true, then….” before you know. I heard a lot of folks complaining about the quality of the Republican nominees in the Pennsylvania and Georgia Senate races.

Now there’s two problems with complaining about Republican nominees. First, the Republican primary voter put them on the ballot. Second, the choices in the primary may be less than we would like because there’s a whole lot of potential candidates waiting on us to stand up for them, to stop believing every accusation. Remember, Justice Kavanaugh was accused of all kinds of insanity that turned out to be false. President Trump was investigated for a Russian hoax created and spread by Hillary Clinton that turned out to be false.

Our party discussion is a family matter that needs to be private, then supported by the whole. We need to STOP fighting with each other and start working together against Democrats.

Our government is based on the integrity of the individual, on personal accountability. It’s time to stop rewarding bad behavior in campaigns. We need to stand up for what’s right, for those that are attacked! Then we need to vote! We’ll have another chance to put America back on course, and we need to make sure that we do just that. Please prepare to be in the fight for our country in the next and every election!  You have the power to be the difference!

Congratulations to Rachael Watson, our 2023 Parker County Republican Women President. Let’s stand with her to continue to make a difference. May God continue to bless each of you and the United States of America!

Zan Prince is a former Parker County Republican Chair and 2022 Parker County Republican Women Chair.


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