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In this place, we stand for God, Country, and Truth! You know that Parker County, Texas is one of the most conservative places in the country and I thank God for each of you as you work every day to …

As the March Republican Primary approaches, I’ve been struck by the apparent lack of critical thinking skills. Why are people not studying what the candidates represent? Why doesn’t …

Every now and again, someone comes up with suggestions for addition to the list of what to do when there’s nothing to do. As often as not, such “yawn fodder” winds up to fill …

Texas’ prime grilling season is only weeks away. I await in the shadow of a conundrum, not knowing whether to mark off calendar days with giddy anticipation or be “gloomed” like …

Governor Greg Abbott has lost his mind over the obsession with school vouchers, the private school entitlement program (so called “school choice”). Currently he’s on a …

I was headed home on FM5 recently on a clear, normal day. Then one of those split-second moments when time seems to cease, occurred.   A vehicle driving in the opposing lane began a slow …

Politics is full of hyperbole. Donald Trump warned that if Joe Biden was elected. we wouldn’t have a country any more. Biden warns that democracy is at stake if Trump is re-elected. …

As we sit in the crowd, tapping our feet to the mesmerizing rhythm of the marching band or swaying along to the beautiful melodies of the concert or jazz bands, we are often unaware of the countless …

My wife, Susan, and I recently moved from Texarkana to Weatherford to be near some of our children and grandchildren. Since my retirement from the Navy in 2011 we both have been very involved in …

Are you planning to vote in person in the March 5 primary? Or in any election this year? If so, I know you want to keep the process simple and the line as short as possible. So as a poll worker for …

The upcoming Precinct 4 Constable election has 3-term Constable Scott Jones (VoteforScottJones.com) running for re-election against newcomer Jerry Stockon (JerryStockon.com). Let’s look at the …

In our mind’s eye, most of us old-timers recall taking on life in slow motion when contrasted with today’s starts, stops and swerves now endured by the masses by day and by night. If …

I have known Mike Olcott for years and am proud to call him my friend. I am dismayed at the mud being slung on this good man. Governor Abbott is supporting Mike because Glen Rogers has been part of …

Mailboxes are already being filled with mail pieces regarding the race for Texas House District 60, which includes Parker County. We want to provide our readers with coverage of the positions on …

In his January 16 opinion article, State Representative Glenn Rogers argues against school choice policies by leaning on fallacious assertions and uncited evidence. Not only is Rogers’s …

In November, during the fourth called special session, I offered an amendment to strike education savings accounts, also known as vouchers, from House Bill 1, the education bill. My amendment passed …

It’s an old joke from the 1990s, pulled from the files each time the Super Bowl rolls around. Late Congressman Charles Stenholm, a distinguished Christian statesman from Ericksdahl (near …

For far too long our teachers have been used as political pawns in Texas. Every teacher has heard the promises of substantial raises for years. Teachers have seen the political ads and heard the …

The WANTED flyer in the mail saying Representative Glenn Rogers is WANTED for working AGAINST our schools, teachers, parents, and students is FALSE. The flyer states Rogers is working with liberals …

In a perfect world, coaches, parents and participants would rightly refer to sports aspirants as “student athletes.” Today, however, this often is not the case. For many--in both …

“Only” “Like” “Anyways” “These ones” “Awesome” “What’s a good number for you?” This column is meant to be an …

My friend Rex Tackett, as community-minded as anyone I’ve ever known, is admired for always taking the high road, and--when necessary--the high wire as well. He takes life on with cheer, …

Editor’s Note: Glenn Rogers is the state representative for Texas House District 60, which includes Parker County. He is also a candidate for re-election in the upcoming Republican Primary. His …

Several years ago, a wise guy--or perhaps a wise gal--sent an email that latched on and won’t let go. It read: “In your column today, I discovered several dozen well-chosen words.” …

When this weekly piece first saw the light of day in February, 2003, I promised to share stories worthy of belly laughs--or at least chuckles. I also vowed to offer occasional gems of wisdom. I …

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