I often find myself reflecting on perhaps the greatest American President in my lifetime, Ronald Reagan. He sparked a conservative movement across this country by holding fast to his faith, cherishing the Constitution, and by promoting limited government while ensuring the protection of every citizen. While championing for Republican priorities, he still showed respect for colleagues, and often found a way to work with those across the aisle. Yet for that very reason, it seems that if President Reagan were around in today’s hyper-political climate, he would be labeled a “RINO,” a “Republican In Name Only.” This epithet divides our party and limits our legislative effectiveness.
Loud fringe groups hate the fact that in the Texas House, Representatives often work together. Certain organizations of the political swamp press legislators to vote according to a hyper partisan “scorecard” that is often gamed by “Scorecard Republicans,” more concerned with their rating than providing conservative solutions in their district. At times, “scorecard votes” are inhumane and wrong for Texas. Yet there are people in Austin who fear the revenge of the extremist billionaires behind the scorecard and vote in lock-step. In fact, those few legislators are sometimes pressured to kill solid bills from their fellow conservative colleagues in their mission of obstruction and retribution. Frankly, those legislators who practice this mindset accomplish extraordinarily little in their time at the Capitol.
Despite a barrage of half-truths and outright lies by these angry groups, I was elected to serve my district, to defend the Constitution, and to advance our conservative ideals. In two terms, our team has facilitated the passage of conservative legislation, not by making enemies, but by building relationships and creating credibility. “My way or the highway” is an absolutely destructive attitude. Good governance happens when individuals from different backgrounds, with diverse ideas, come to the table and sit together to create conservative solutions and positive, incremental change. The recently completed Texas 88th legislature banned gender-transition procedures for minors, banned men from competing in women’s sports, banned sexually explicit materials in schools, reined in rogue district attorneys, increased the penalty for fentanyl crimes, and passed many other conservative priorities.
Name-calling, petty fighting, and the slandering of those we disagree with are the poisons of our society. As Texans, we are better than that. Our roots are that of setting aside our differences to make a difference; never forget that Tejanos and American immigrants to Texas, while vastly different in religious and ethnic aspects, came together to defeat Santa Anna and establish this great Republic. As Republicans, we are better than that. Are we not the party of Reagan, who never wavered on his core beliefs, but was willing to seek common ground with people with differing opinions? As people of faith, we are better than that, and instructed in Ephesians to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”
There are extremists on the left and the right that demand passage of a 100% Purity Test or “Cancel Culture” tactics are employed. The “Politics of Personal Destruction” utilized by these groups are destroying the very fabric of our political and social culture. Political discourse and civility seem to have passed into oblivion. We need to remember the words of President Reagan, “The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally – not a 20 percent traitor.”
The primary objective of statesmen or stateswomen should be to prioritize their district’s needs and apply conservative solutions. One hundred percent agreement with all Republican colleagues or hyper-partisan scorecards should not be the primary goal. I love my wife, but even we do not agree 100% of the time. We are blessed in this great country to have the freedom to disagree, but at the end of the day, we are still neighbors, fellow citizens, working for a better society and to keep America and Texas great.
Our destiny as a state and nation will only be reached by working together when possible, and when not possible, at least with civility. I urge all to take an active role in government, but encourage this endeavor be approached with respect and courtesy. Our Constitutional Republic depends on citizens with strength of character. As John Adams once wrote, “Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private virtue, and public virtue is the only foundation of Republics.”
Glenn Rogers is the representative for Texas House District 60, which includes Parker County.
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