A teacher, a preacher, and a lawyer were seated next to each other at a table. It might sound like the beginning of one of your uncle’s poorly timed Thanksgiving jokes, but those were the actual professions of three consecutive people introducing themselves at the initial meeting of the Aledo Growth Committee last month.
At 53 members strong, the Aledo Growth Committee (AGC) is comprised of a diverse group of community members of different ages, unique backgrounds, and a variety of professions, including an active staff member from each of Aledo ISD’s campuses.
Their experience and insight, coupled with the input of parents and community members in our district, is crucial in determining the needs of our current and future students. We have come together to understand the needs of our children and schools and to represent the expectations of the community in this process of planning for growth.
Also imperative to the process is the wisdom from those who came before us. The AGC includes older members of the community who never had or no longer have children in the district but have a vested interest in the success of our schools and community as a whole. They offer a point of view from somebody who helps fund things that they see no direct benefit from other than what might be best for their neighbors’ children and for the health and vitality of our community.
What a selfless perspective.
After our introductory meeting, we heard from the district’s demographer (Population and Survey Analysts (PASA)), who presented a thorough report of current and projected development and how those might impact future enrollment.
Aledo ISD continues to grow, and families with students of all ages are moving here every year and throughout each school year.
The graduating class of 2023 began their schooling with 294 kindergarten students in the 2010-2011 school year across four elementary schools. Their senior class has grown to 542 current students. For comparison, this year’s kindergarten enrollment currently sits at 617 students across our six elementary campuses.
The committee then heard from the district’s financial adviser (BOK Financial Advisers), who highlighted the active management of the district’s debt portfolio and projected capacity for future bond programs. They presented the impact of various tax rates on the bond capacity to fund any future projects, starting with no change to the district’s Interest and Sinking (I&S) tax rate up to and including the state’s maximum allowable I&S tax rate ($0.500).
The I&S tax rate funds large capital improvements for the district and cannot be used for the district’s operating expenditures (teacher salaries, utilities, fuel, supplies). Contrary to what some of us thought, our I&S tax rate ($0.425) is one of the lowest in the area in fast-growth districts like Aledo ISD.
As co-chairs of the Aledo Growth Committee, it is our responsibility to facilitate the committee discussions at each meeting and to make sure the community remains engaged in the process. We have stated often that our goal is to have the community know what this committee knows.
That is why every presentation the committee sees is available on our website for the community to see as well. There is also the ability for community members to submit questions for the committee to consider.
For more information regarding the work of the Aledo Growth Committee, please visit our website at www.aledoisd.org/agc. You can submit questions or comments to us at agcquestions@aledoisd.org.
Dan Reilley and Kelli Stumbo are co-chairs of the Aledo Growth Committee.
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