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Guest Column

Don’t make teachers political pawns


For far too long our teachers have been used as political pawns in Texas. Every teacher has heard the promises of substantial raises for years. Teachers have seen the political ads and heard the rhetoric from politicians claiming they love teachers – but all they have received are broken promises and heavier workloads. Teachers are constantly criticized, asked to do more with less, and expected to solve all the world’s problems. 

It is disgusting how our teachers are dangled carrots with no chance of ever getting anything substantial. The governor actually used the term “carrot” in reference to him holding teachers hostage so he can continue his mission of funneling public funds to his campaign donors’ private businesses.

The governor also just accepted a $6 million donation, believed to be the largest single donation in Texas history, from a billionaire in Pennsylvania to push vouchers. It is not a coincidence that the governor has made vouchers his #1 priority and is supporting every candidate willing to ignore their constituents and do his bidding.

We have seen the political grifters call our teachers “glorified babysitters.” We have seen politicians during the legislative session use teacher raises as a political tool to degrade their opponents when they themselves have no intention of giving teachers a raise. We have seen them file bills they know won’t pass, and don’t want them to pass. We have seen them claim to support teachers, but they’ve done nothing to truly support them. Five legislative sessions later, a complete lack of action tells us their words are cheap lip service.

When we say we support our public schools, what we are saying is that we support the work our teachers are doing. When we support our teachers, we are supporting our children. Our school district is the heart of our community and if a politician isn’t supporting our schools, they aren’t supporting our community. They aren’t supporting our teachers. They aren’t supporting our children. 

Here is the thing every teacher needs to know. There are laws against you talking about your own job while at your job and laws that prevent you from collective bargaining – because politicians are afraid of what you would do if you all got together and voted for your own interest and the interest of your students. They offer carrots hoping you don’t get together and demand what you have earned through your dedication and hard work and what is in the best interest of the families you serve. 

Teachers, I know that you are selfless professionals that have dedicated your lives to children. I also know that many of you have grown weary of the burden placed on you and are tired of being taken for granted. You make a difference every day for every child that walks through the door. You deserve better. It is time to make a difference for yourselves and every educator in Texas.  

It is time to vote.

Forrest Collins is the chair of the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees.


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