Of the nearly 1,800 pounds of trash each American throws out on an annual basis, about 63 percent of it ends up in either a landfill or burned in incinerators. A portion of the rest turns into roadside litter to the tune of 24 billion pieces.
While that may seem like an astronomical number, cities across America combat that by hosting community cleanups several times a year. And with Texas having one of the most recognizable anti-litter campaigns in “Don’t mess with Texas,” it isn’t surprising that one of those days is happening in the Town of Annetta.
On Sat., Feb. 24, from 9 a.m.–noon, the town is hosting a Fifth Annual Beautification Day. Residents meet at Town Hall and go out in groups to pick up trash, mainly along Old Annetta Road and FM 5.
Trash bags, vests and reflectors will be given out and bags filled will be placed in the roll-off dumpster. Aside from the vests, for safety reasons, a constable will follow groups with lights on.
Additionally, lunch will be provided and there is no pre-registration required.
“It lets everyone know we care,” City Secretary Jamee Long said about why the event is hosted. “It also builds community.”
The initial idea for having the day was raised at a council meeting by a concerned citizen five years ago and it has been part of the annual budget since that time.
Long said an average of about 20 people show up each year and that in years past, some “interesting” pieces of trash have been found.
“One year, an entire, completely intact toilet seat and a [utility knife] were found,” she said.
The hope, Long said, is that more people show up each year.
“It’s a great way to get to know your neighbors, meet your elected officials and take pride in the community,” she said.
To get an official head count and to dispense groups to their perspective areas, Long said to show up no later than 9 a.m. to Town Hall, located at 450 Thunder Head Ln. in Annetta.
For questions or for more information, visit annettatx.org
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