The City of Weatherford and the Weatherford financial department received an excellent rating from the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2023 audit conducted by Pattillo, Brown & Hill, L.L.P.
Paula Lowe, a partner at Pattillo, Bown & Hill, L.L.P., rendered to the City of Weatherford an “unmodified opinion” which is the highest opinion that can be given to an organization. It is also known as a clean opinion.
Lowe said to the city council on March 12 that the financial department of Weatherford had no internal control deficiencies, meaning no one or no entity interfered in any normal functioning duties conducted by management or staff. And there was no noncompliance by anyone in the city of Weatherford financial team.
“Congratulations on your great finance team for receiving this great honor,” Lowe said.
Lowe went into more detail about the audit results. Lowe said that Pattillo, Brown & Hill, L.L.P. had to perform a single audit for this fiscal year, which ended in September of 2023, whenever an entity spends more than $750,00 in federal award. Then looking at all awards, they then select a single major program to look at in more detail and make sure that there's good controls and that the grant requirements are being followed appropriately.
The audit also showed that the council and staff have made significant improvements to the city in the last decade with an emphasis on road improvements, which is funded through the Texas Department of Transportation’s Pass-Through Toll Agreement that has given close to $70.5 million in revenue.
Results also showed that there was a reduction in crime rates. The overall crime reduced by 10%, property crimes reduced by 6% and violent crimes reduced by 13%.
After the audit results were presented to the council, Heidi Wilder, Council Member Place 1, commented on the Finance Director Dawn Brooks and the city's finance team on their outstanding job.
“No one realizes how complex this is to do and how important it is to our city, so thank you Dawn and your entire team for the outstanding job,” Council Member Wilder said.
For more information on city council meetings or for more information on the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report 2023, visit
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