As a public school teacher for the past 10 years, I have personally experienced the lack of inequality in teachers' salaries decreasing each year. Although some districts say they give a 2% increase for teachers. Break it down. Texas teacher's salary rank 28th at $57,641. At 2%, that is $1,152. That increase does not even cover the cost of living and is less than a half month's salary.
Most teachers I know, including myself, need a second job just to survive and pay bills. Teachers put in at least 50 hours a week putting lesson plans together, grading papers, after-school meetings, parent-teacher conferences after school, and more items.
The teacher shortage is mainly due to a lack of financial stability due to red tape. Teachers are facing untold stress, physical assaults and threats by students, and the administration's lack of any kind of discipline. It is time for people in Austin to step up and do the right thing. If something isn't done soon, schools will be shutting down because they can't staff with qualified educators who can and do make a difference!
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